स्थावर मिळकतीचा जाहीरनामा दि. 31-03-2024 अखेर आर्थिक पत्रके व वैधानिक लेखापरीक्षकांचा अहवाल दि. 20-06-2024 च्या दैनिक नवसंदेश कोल्हापुर च्या अंकात प्रसिध्द केलेले आहेत Udyog Adhar Registration facility is available, Please contact to nearest Branch for details. As per guidelines issued by RBI ,Bank has framed Loan Restructure Policy for Loan Borrower who income is affected on account of Covid-19 panadamic, So please contact to nearest Branch for details. As per DICGC circular dated 05-02-2020 all the Depositors of Bank has Insurance Cover up to Rs.5 Lakh Dear Customers kindly maintain the Minimum Balance in your Current Account ,it may apply charges wef 01-08-2019